HPANWO RADIO- Hospital Porters Against the New World Order

Tune in for all the latest news, views and reviews from the world of Government cover-ups, ghosts, UFO’s, Hospital Porters, paranormal investigation, cryptozoology, hidden knowledge, forbidden history and archaeology, chemtrails… and more Hospital Porters!

Monday, 30 March 2020

Third Rail Radio- Programme 82

Programme 82 of Third Rail Radio is now available here: (podcast removed).
Subjects discussed this week include: Boris catches COVID 19, celebrity disappearances, US Space Force launches satellite and much much more. Email: bennyjay74@gmx.co.uk.
See here for Joe's website: https://www.youtube.com/user/FLtrailblazer.
See here for Ben's website: http://hpanwo-voice.blogspot.co.uk/.

Thursday, 26 March 2020

Programme 362 Podcast- Lisa Phillips

The podcast of Programme 362 is now available here to listen or download: (podcast deleted).

This week on the HPANWO Show: Lisa Phillips, a spiritual researcher, activist and fellow radio broadcaster. We were former colleagues on Critical Mass Radio and today Lisa presents the Cry Freedom Show on this station. In this programme we discuss current affairs such as the coronavirus. See: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1124619357558796/. See here for Lisa's previous appearance on the HPANWO Show: https://hpanwo-radio.blogspot.com/2019/10/programme-341-podcast-lisa-phillips.html.
Also: All the latest news, details of upcoming events and space weather.

Saturday, 21 March 2020

Cry Freedom Short 21

The twenty-first short Cry Freedom programme by Lisa, see: (podcast removed).
In this short: "...and the people stayed at home."
Time for much seeing and thinking.
Time for much thought about what you want this world to be.
Time to see the last few weeks of madness and something needed to be seen.
Time to look to a future far from that madness.
Time to make it happen 'cos only we can! xxx

Thursday, 19 March 2020

Programme 361 Podcast- Coronavirus Quickie

The podcast of Programme 361 is now available here to listen or download: (podcast deleted).

This week on the HPANWO Show: a short programme with no feature because the host is suffering from the notorious COVID 19 disease.
Also: All the latest news, details of upcoming events and space weather.

Thursday, 12 March 2020

Programme 360 Podcast- Lily Brunton

The podcast of Programme 360 is now available here to listen or download: (podcst removed).

This week on the HPANWO Show: Lily Brunton, a deep thinker on a wide variety of subjects, from the political to the mysterious to the spiritual, see: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100016572279424.
Also: All the latest news, details of upcoming events and space weather.

Wednesday, 11 March 2020

Third Rail Radio- Programme 81

Programme 81 of Third Rail Radio is now available here: (podcast removed).
Subjects discussed this week include: Krakatoa erupts again, coronavirus chaos, giant UFO's cruise the solar system and much much more. Email: bennyjay74@gmx.co.uk.
Music by Ian Dury and the Blockheads, see: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0WGVgfjnLqc.
See here for Joe's website: https://www.youtube.com/user/FLtrailblazer.
See here for Ben's website: http://hpanwo-voice.blogspot.co.uk/.

Friday, 6 March 2020

Spreaker Archive Deletion- Progs 221 to 230

During the next few days I will be deleting some of the HPANWO Show podcasts in the archives of my Spreaker account. This is to free up space because my current allocation is almost full. The podcasts affected will be Programmes 221 to 230. Podcasts of these shows will still be available afterwards, but only on Archive.org, the same platform as the old CMR shows. There are now links in the relevant podcast notices to the page I've set up for the recent HPANWO Show programmes. If you have your own collection and are missing any of the affected shows then the easiest thing to do is simply download them now from Spreaker while you still can.

Thursday, 5 March 2020

Programme 359 Podcast- No Feature

The podcast of Programme 359 is now available here to listen or download: (podcst removed).

This week on the HPANWO Show: All the latest news views and reviews from the world of Government cover-ups, ghosts, UFO’s, Hospital Porters, paranormal investigation, cryptozoology, hidden knowledge, forbidden history and archaeology, chemtrails... and more Hospital Porters!
Also: All the latest news, details of upcoming events and space weather.

Wednesday, 4 March 2020

Cry Freedom Short 20

The twentieth short Cry Freedom programme by Lisa, see: (podcast removed).
In this short: "Far From the Maddening Crowd". Ha, this is what I wish as we try to ride the greatest storm of this century! As the manipulated media does its best to whip up a massive fear frenzy because three thousand people have apparently died due to their most recent "virus" outbreak... Did you know up to 650,000 can die each year due to flu? The "news" coverage has never been more contradicting and in your face; over the top. The actors never more false so it is to be hoped the "maddening crowd" can finally be reached. Also reminiscing about my early days of red pilling and attempts to show other ways to benefit our health which seem never more needed!