HPANWO RADIO- Hospital Porters Against the New World Order

Tune in for all the latest news, views and reviews from the world of Government cover-ups, ghosts, UFO’s, Hospital Porters, paranormal investigation, cryptozoology, hidden knowledge, forbidden history and archaeology, chemtrails… and more Hospital Porters!

Wednesday, 1 October 2014

Programme 106 Podcast- Victor and Wendy Zammit, Part 1

All CMR HPANWO Show podcasts are now available to download here: https://archive.org/details/HPANWO-Show1.

This week on the HPANWO Show: Victor and Wendy Zammit, a couple from Australia who are veteran researchers, authors and lecturers on the subject of the paranormal, spiritual and life-after-death. See: http://www.victorzammit.com/. This is the first in a two-part interview. See here for part 2: http://hpanwo-radio.blogspot.co.uk/2014/10/programme-107-podcast-victor-and-wendy.html.
Also: All the latest news, details of upcoming events and space weather.


  1. Podcast 106 is also now a NO GO Ben. Something has changed since I successfully downloaded it and turned it in to a pair of youtube videos.

    I pray you can find podcast 107. Hope the file is not lost. Its priceless.
    Seems you have had a major corruption on your server. Any auto archives you can access.?

  2. test comment jus to get my profile picture upgraded.
