always around the Christmas and New Year festivals, the normal system of weekly
routine is disrupted everywhere and HPANWO Radio is no exception. This notice
is therefore a preview of its Christmas and New Year schedule. Please make note
of it for reference.
Thursday 2nd of December, 8 PM:
HPANWO Show 443 with Nick Kollerstrom as guest.
Friday 3rd of December, c. 6 PM: Cry Freedom Show 31 (New Show
Monday 6th of December, c. 7 PM: Third Rail Radio, Prog 113.
Thursday 9th of December, 8 PM:
HPANWO Show 444, HPANWO Radio Quiz.
Friday 10th of December, c. 6 PM: Cry Freedom Show 32 (New Show
Monday 13th of December, c. 7 PM: Third Rail Radio, Prog 114.
Wednesday 15th of December, c. 5 PM: The Gas Spanner, Prog 17.
Thursday 16th of December, 8
PM: HPANWO Show 445, Christmas Q&A.
Friday 17th of December, c. 6 PM: Cry Freedom Show 33 (New Show
Monday 20th of December, 8 PM:
HPANWO Show 446, Christmas Special.
Wednesday 29th of December, 8
PM: HPANWO Show 447, New Year Special.
Wednesday 5th of January, 8 PM:
The Gas Spanner (Live), Prog 18.
Wednesday 13th of January, 8
PM: HPANWO Show 448, Feature TBA.
(Afterwards normal schedule
dates and times could be subject to change, as could the shows' content,
possibly with very little notice, so keep checking this post and the latest
notices on the HPANWO Radio blog homepage. I am doing a Christmas special this
year for the seventh year running due to popular request. I'd like to wish all
HPANWO Radio listeners a very merry Christmas and a happy New Year. I'm looking
forward to broadcasting more excellent programmes in 2022.