will be a special schedule over the Christmas and New Year period on HPANWO
Radio. As for the HPANWO Show itself, I'm going to try something different this
year. For the first time ever there will be a HPANWO Show Christmas Special.
This will be on Wednesday the 23rd of December. Normally I broadcast on
Thursdays as you know, but this Thursday is Christmas Eve and most of us,
including me, will be with family and friends that evening. I intend this to be
an informal, ad-lib and interactive show where I discuss matters to do with
Christmas, taking comments from the chatbox; and playing Christmas carols and
other festive music. The following Wednesday, the 30th, I'll be doing a special
show to look back over 2015 and review the significant events of the year. Again,
this will not be on Thursday because Thursday is New Year's Eve and I might be
too drunk to host! Both programmes will probably be at the usual time of 8 PM, but
read the upcoming HPANWO Radio show notices carefully to be sure. There will be
a Mind Set Podcast tomorrow, Sunday the 20th. This will be the last Mind Set of
the year. The Mind Set Podcast will return on an undecided date early in
January. Also there will be a new episode of The Poker some time in January.
the New Year, the schedule will be back to normal. The HPANWO Show will return
to its regular Thursday night slot at 8
PM; and the first programme of 2016 will be on
Thursday the 7th of January. I've arranged to have more guest interviews in the
New Year including Jerry Griffin, Nick Redfern, Alyson Dunlop, Mark R. Goode, Chris
Turner, Piotr Cielebias Andrew Johnson, Mary Rodwell, AJ Gevaerd and many more.
In January there will be a programme themed on the twentieth anniversary of the
Varginha alien incident; and later in the year, at least two shows to mark the
double decade of the Alien Interview, see: http://hpanwo.blogspot.co.uk/2015/01/area-51-alien-interview-new-research.html.
The latter will hopefully include Interview researchers Andrew Burlington and Sean
David Morton. In February I will be presenting a tribute programme, along with
Miles Johnston, dedicated to the memory of Rauni-Leena Luukanen-Kilde, close to
the first anniversary of her death, see: http://hpanwo-radio.blogspot.co.uk/2013/02/programme-33-podcast-rauni-kilde.html.
Watch this space for updated notices on all the above information. Merry
Christmas and a happy New Year to all HPANWO Radio listeners! Many thanks for
your support over the last twelve months!