And: https://archive.org/details/cry_freedom_show_programme_13_11_retake.
Lisa is now producing her own show, but her programmes will
all be syndicated to HPANWO Radio, including Ben Emlyn-Jones' commentary. On
this week's programme: Putting Back The Apple Series, SHOW 42. CHRISTMAS
SPECIALS. SHOW 5 OF 6. The fifth of six seasonal shows packed with special
guests, features and music to resonate with and warm your hearts! SPECIAL GUEST
is the wonderful GEORGE SANDHU, a man truly passionate about the right things,
about protecting our children and growing our own food, the main things that
matter in these times!!! ALSO loads of other little titbits to entertain that
hopefully you will also enjoy including ROBERT SEPEHR talking all about
reincarnation! The last CHRISTMAS SPECIALS will be on Saturday 31st December
8pm UK
TIME, a special show with a very special feature, after that I will be taking a
rest if I'm still standing. Hope you can join like minded people in the
change at a key time of year and bring in NEW TIMES together xxx
Lisa's website: https://thecryfreedomshowwithlisa.com.
See here for
Programme 54: http://hpanwo-radio.blogspot.com/2022/12/cry-freedom-show-programme-54-new-show.html.