HPANWO RADIO- Hospital Porters Against the New World Order

Tune in for all the latest news, views and reviews from the world of Government cover-ups, ghosts, UFO’s, Hospital Porters, paranormal investigation, cryptozoology, hidden knowledge, forbidden history and archaeology, chemtrails… and more Hospital Porters!

Wednesday, 30 November 2022

Monday, 28 November 2022

HPANWO Radio Christmas 2022 Schedule

As always around the Christmas and New Year festivals, the normal system of weekly routine is disrupted everywhere and HPANWO Radio is no exception. This notice is therefore a preview of our Christmas and New Year schedule. Please make note of it for reference.
Wednesday 30th of November, c. 6 PM: Third Rail Radio, Prog 130.
Thursday 1st of December, 8 PM: HPANWO Show 487 with Claire Rae Randall as guest.
Sunday the 4th of December, 8 PM: The Gas Spanner, Prog 29.
Thursday 8th of December, 8 PM: HPANWO Show 488 with Marcus Allen as guest.
Monday 12th of December, c. 6 PM: Third Rail Radio, Prog 131.
Sunday 18th of December, 8 PM: HPANWO Show 489, Christmas Special.
Tuesday the 20th of December, 8 PM: The Gas Spanner, Prog 31 (Christmas Special).
Friday 23rd of December, 8 PM: Cry Freedom Show 51 (New Show 38) (Live).
Christmas Eve, 8 PM: Cry Freedom Show 52 (New Show 39) (Live).
Boxing Day, 8 PM: Cry Freedom Show 53 (New Show 40) (Live).
Wednesday 28th of December, 8 PM: Cry Freedom Show 54 (New Show 41) (Live).
Thursday 29th of December, 8 PM: Cry Freedom Show 55 (New Show 42) (Live).
Friday 30th of December, 8 PM: HPANWO Show 490, New Year Special.
New Year's Eve, 8 PM: Cry Freedom Show 56 (New Show 43) (Live).
Saturday 31st of December- New Year's Eve, 8 PM: Cry Freedom Show 52 (New Show 39) (Live).
Wednesday 4th of January, 8 PM: Third Rail Radio, Prog 132.
Thursday 5th of January, 8 PM: HPANWO Show 491, Feature TBA.
(Afterwards normal schedule resumes)
These dates and times could be subject to change, as could the shows' content, possibly with very little notice, so keep checking this post and the latest notices on the HPANWO Radio blog homepage. I am doing a Christmas special this year for the eighth year running. I'd like to wish all HPANWO Radio listeners a very merry Christmas and a happy New Year. I'm looking forward to broadcasting more excellent programmes in 2023.

Sunday, 27 November 2022

Spreaker Archive Deletion- Cry Freedom Progs 11 to 20

During the next few days I will be deleting some of the HPANWO Radio podcasts in the archives of my Spreaker account. This is to free up space because my current allocation is almost full. The podcasts affected will be Cry Freedom Show programmes 11 to 20. Podcasts of these shows will still be available afterwards, but only on Archive.org, the same platform as the old CMR shows. There are now links in the relevant podcast notices to the page I've set up for the recent HPANWO Show programmes. If you have your own collection and are missing any of the affected shows then the easiest thing to do is simply download them now from Spreaker while you still can.
See here for more information: https://hpanwo-radio.blogspot.com/2018/01/spreaker-archives.html.
And: https://hpanwo-radio.blogspot.co.uk/2015/10/cmr-podcasts-on-new-platform.html.
And: https://hpanwo-radio.blogspot.co.uk/2015/10/cmr-pods-gone.html.
And: http://hpanwo-radio.blogspot.co.uk/2015/03/btr-podcasts.html.

Thursday, 24 November 2022

Programme 486 Podcast- Miles Johnston

The podcast of Programme 486 is now available here to listen or download: https://www.spreaker.com/user/benemlynjones/hpanwo-show-486-miles-johnston.
And: https://archive.org/details/prog-349.
This week on the HPANWO Show: Miles Johnston, a former pirate radio broadcast engineer, a life-long UFOlogist and film maker. He's the founder of the Bases Project, see: https://thebasesproject.org/. He is also the organizer of the upcoming Bases 2022 Christmas Seminars. See here for details and tickets: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/bases2022-christmas-seminars-tickets-465281327977. See here for Miles' previous appearance on the HPANWO Show: https://hpanwo-radio.blogspot.com/2022/06/programme-466-podcast-miles-johnston.html.
Also: All the latest news, details of upcoming events and space weather.

Wednesday, 23 November 2022

Thursday, 17 November 2022

Programme 485 Podcast- Nuclear Waste Dump

The podcast of Programme 485 is now available here to listen or download: https://www.spreaker.com/user/benemlynjones/hpanwo-show-485-nuclear-waste-dump.
And: https://archive.org/details/prog-349.
This week on the HPANWO Show: a recording of a live lecture I gave about the dumping of highly toxic nuclear waste in Lincolnshire. See here for a series of slides that illustrate this feature: http://hpanwo-radio.blogspot.com/2022/11/programme-485-slides.html.
Also: All the latest news, details of upcoming events and space weather.