HPANWO RADIO- Hospital Porters Against the New World Order

Tune in for all the latest news, views and reviews from the world of Government cover-ups, ghosts, UFO’s, Hospital Porters, paranormal investigation, cryptozoology, hidden knowledge, forbidden history and archaeology, chemtrails… and more Hospital Porters!

Thursday, 28 February 2013

Programme 34 Podcast- ITCCS Verdict Special

The podcast of Programme 34 is now available here: http://www.mixcloud.com/cmr/the-hpanwo-show-with-ben-emlyn-jones-26022013/
All CMR HPANWO Show podcasts are now available to download here: https://archive.org/details/HPANWO-Show1.

This week: An ITCCS verdict special! In a statement from the central office of the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State, the verdict from the jury of First Common Law Court against the Vatican and Canada for genocide is in. Kevin Annett returns to HPANWO Radio to give us the details, see: http://itccs.org/
Also: Hollie Greig- case closed, a meteorite rush in Chelyabinsk and much much more.

Friday, 22 February 2013

Programme 33 Podcast- Rauni Kilde

The podcast of Programme 33 is now available here: http://www.mixcloud.com/cmr/the-hpanwo-show-with-ben-emlyn-jones-19022013/
All CMR HPANWO Show podcasts are now available to download here: https://archive.org/details/HPANWO-Show1.

This week: Rauni Kilde, the former Chief Medical Officer of Finland who today researches and lectures on spirituality, automatic writing, mind control, remote viewing together with psychic and electromagnetic warfare.
Also: Meteor impacts, a crop circle challenge and much much more.

Thursday, 14 February 2013

Programme 32 Podcast- Paola Leopizzi Harris

The podcast of Programme 32 is now available here: http://www.mixcloud.com/cmr/the-hpanwo-show-with-ben-emlyn-jones-12022013/
All CMR HPANWO Show podcasts are now available to download here: https://archive.org/details/HPANWO-Show1.

This week: Paola Leopizzi Harris, an Italo-American photojournalist, international freelance writer and investigative reporter into extraterrestrial and related phenomena, see: http://www.paolaharris.com/home.htm . At the end of the programme we receive an unexpected caller called William. (Apologies for the interference on my microphone)
Also: the death of Reg Presley, the Pope quits and much much more.

Saturday, 9 February 2013

Critical Mass Radio Conference 2- The Rebel Alliance

The second Critical Mass Radio conference, Time to Act 2- the Rebel Alliance, will take place on Saturday the 23rd of February. From 11 AM to 9 PM. The venue is Allerton Hall, Springwood Avenue, Woolton, Liverpool. L25- 7UN. See here for the trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ph6odwaElkk (I bet George wishes he could be there too!) I will be the first speaker and my lecture will be entitled “Energy Politics and UFO’s”. The other speakers will also be well worth seeing.

This is my second appearance at the Critical Mass Radio conferences. See here for my first appearance: http://hpanwo-radio.blogspot.co.uk/2012/11/ben-emlyn-jones-live-at-critical-mass.html

Thursday, 7 February 2013

Programme 31 Podcast- Richard Wright

The podcast of Programme 31 is now available here: http://www.mixcloud.com/cmr/the-hpanwo-show-with-ben-emlyn-jones-05022013/
All CMR HPANWO Show podcasts are now available to download here: https://archive.org/details/HPANWO-Show1.

This week: Richard Wright, UFOlogy activist and journalist, founder of Exopolitics Kingston-upon-Thames. He's back for his second interview on HPANWO Radio to give an overview of the UFO scene during 2012. See here for Richard's previous appearance: http://hpanwo-radio.blogspot.co.uk/2012/10/programme-16-podcast-richard-wright.html (Apologies for the poor sound quality and technical problems.)
Also: Mali Crisis lies, all the latest space weather and much much more.